Shahid Beheshti University is among the top universities in the US News 2021 ranking system

According to the International Scientific Cooperation Department of Shahid Beheshti University, in the latest ranking of the best universities in the world “US News”, Shahid Beheshti University was ranked 16th among the universities of the Ministry of Science and the Ministry of Health.
According to the 2021 edition of this ranking, 31 Iranian institutions are among the top institutions in the world.
It is worth mentioning that this system has ranked 1500 top institutions from more than 80 countries. Only institutions with at least 1,250 WoS-indexed articles in the last five years are evaluated. Institute “Yu. اس. News »from 13 key criteria (global research reputation, reputation of research regions, number of publications, books, conferences, modified citation effect, number of all citations, number of publications among 10% of quality publications, ratio of publications among 10% of quality publications, The number of global contributions (relative to the country), the number of global contributions, the number of highly cited articles per one percent of quality publications, and the ratio of highly cited articles per one percent of quality publications) are used to evaluate institutions. Evaluation data for these metrics are collected in collaboration with Clarivate Analytics.

Rising the position of Shahid Beheshti University in the Times 2021 ranking

The results of the Times 2021 international ranking were announced and the position of Shahid Beheshti University was rise by 100 steps.
According to the results of the International Times ranking in 2021, Shahid Beheshti University was ranked 601-800 compared to 2020, with 100 ascents.
In the 2021 Times ranking, 21 Islamic countries were present, of which the Islamic Republic of Iran had the largest number of universities with 47 universities.
In the Times 2021 rankings, 1,527 of the world’s top universities are ranked from 93 countries, with Oxford University ranked first for the fifth year in a row, and Stanford and Harvard University ranked second and third, respectively. California University of Technology, MIT and the University of Cambridge (UK), California Berkeley, Yale, Princeton and Chicago are ranked 4th to 10th in the world, respectively.
The Directorate of International Scientific Cooperation congratulates every member of the large family of Shahid Beheshti University on this valuable achievement.

Rising the ranking of Shahid Beheshti University in the latest Leiden 2020 ranking system

Announcing the above news, Dr. Babak Shokri, Vice president for Research and Technology, said: Shahid Beheshti University in the latest Leiden 2020 ranking system in the authority criterion compared to the previous ranking of this system in 2019, with 25 steps, won the position of 599.

Dr. Shokri added: Shahid Beheshti University was ranked 694th in the criterion of diplomacy and free access, raised 23 steps, and in the criterion of gender diversity, raised 15 steps and ranked 723.

The Vice president for Research and Technology of the University stated: Leiden is one of the valid university evaluation systems that evaluates and ranks the top universities in the world every year based on valid scientometric indicators. In 2020, the world’s universities were ranked by 20 indicators in the form of four general criteria of scientific authority, scientific diplomacy, open access to publications and gender diversity in Leiden. These evaluations used the scientific products of universities in the years 2015 to 2018 from the Web of Science database.

Dr. Shokri said: “the results of the 2020 ranking of the Leiden ranking system shows, 36 universities from Iran were included in the total of 1176 top universities in the world, while in 2019 this number was equal to 26 universities.”

Upgrading the position of Shahid Beheshti University in the Asian Times rankings in 2020

In a recent ranking of Asian universities in 2020, Shahid Beheshti University has been upgraded from 250-201 to 180.

It is essential to mention that the Times ranking database is one of the most reputable international ranking systems, which in 2013, for the first time, ranked Asian universities alongside its international rankings. In the 2020 ranking of Asian universities in the Islamic Republic of Iran, there were 40 universities, of which 5 universities are among the top 100 universities in Asia.

Sharif University of Technology, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Shahid Beheshti (comprehensive) University, Shahroud University of Technology have been able to perform better than last year and improve their ranking.

The Asian Times rankings for 2020 include 489 universities from 30 countries. In this ranking, Tsinghua University and Peking University from China are ranked first and second among Asian universities, and this is the first time that two universities from China are seen at the top of the ranking table. The National University of Singapore and the University of Hong Kong are ranked second and third, respectively.

As in previous years, Japan has the highest number of universities in this ranking with 110 universities (last year it was 103) and their best university is the University of Tokyo with 7th place.

Rank of Shahid Beheshti University in the Nature Index 2020 ranking

Each year, the Nature Index ranks countries based on their high-quality research achievements. The Nature Index allows countries to be ranked based on three key metrics by counting the number of authors’ articles in their indexed journals.

These three criteria are:

1- Article count or AC means the number of articles published in journals regardless of the number of authors

  1. Fractional count or FC calculates the share of each author in the writing of an article. The total fractional score of an article is equal to one
  2. Weighted fractional count or WFC, which assigns a weighted number. The weight fraction number of the modified version is the fraction number.

In the 2020 rankings, the number of articles in 82 journals which published by Nature quality was measured.

The top ten institutions and universities in the world according to this index are China (3 cases), USA (3 cases), France (1 case), Germany (2 cases) and United Kingdom (1 case).

Also among the West Asian countries, the top ten institutions and universities are from the Occupied Territories (6 cases), Saudi Arabia (1 case), Iran (1 case) and Turkey (2 cases).

In Iran, the top ten institutions and universities based on the Nature Index ranking, respectively include:

  • Basic Sciences Research Institute 2- Shahid Beheshti University 3- Sharif University of Technology 4- Tarbiat Modares University 5- Ferdowsi University of Mashhad 6- Shiraz University 7- Maragheh Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Center 8- Mazandaran University 9- Shahroud University of Technology 10-Azad University.

The articles of the faculty members of the Faculty of Physics, the Laser and Plasma Research Institute and the Environmental Science Research Institute were included in this ranking.